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Japan Bernd 2023-10-14 11:35:05 ⋅ 1y No. 291180
Sayahomu is good...
Finland Bernd 2024-05-06 12:03:26 ⋅ 9mn No. 309444
>>291180 Why was this posted here? ----> Anyway i think a lot of drugs are more pleasant or equal to Anime. Heroin, benzodiazepines (usually mixed with opiods), LSD, Hydromorphone IV, Methadone with little tolerance, and i think id even go as far to say good marijuana. Anime does have a place in my heart though.
Ukraine Bernd 2024-05-06 12:19:33 ⋅ 9mn No. 309445
Ukraine Bernd 2024-05-06 12:20:10 ⋅ 9mn No. 309446