Ukrainian counter-offensive thread.
What are your bets? Predictions? Maps?
My own opinion is that its just days away. Have a hunch. For realz this time.

You are stupid. This propaganda hurts Russia more than Ukraine cause Ukrainians do not watch it, yet you show this crap to all the Russians and all you managed to do - crate the feel that if mobilizations starts it's over for the country. Meanwhile our military can't win like this - we have no men, from the beginning to this day Ukraine has significant numerical superiority and that is main reason why war is lost.

a lot of Ukrainians use Telegram, and they see these videos. Its not propaganda too, its just regular Ukrainians who have access to smartphones with cameras and they turn them on when they see stuff like that. They don't consider it normal.
If you also look at the watermarks imposed on top of those videos, what do you see on them?
>Хуевая одесса, шарий, одесса инфо, новости одесса, ухилянт инфо, ukr_g_m, хмельницкий live, харьков лайф
those are all watermarks of Ukrainian telegram channels.

>ukrainian soldiers turn on starlink connection
>they're automatically shelled by russian artillery
>mfw Elon Musk is handling over their coordinades to the russian army
Kek, Nafo Troons are about to throw themselves off a bridge at this point. Everything i said last year about how this shit was going to end is happening. That motherfucker of Zelensky is fucked, i hope his own army off him once and for all