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Texas Bernd 2024-12-28 05:02:15 ⋅ 1mn No. 330135
Today I played card games with my chaps, my friend got 7 fucking card in black jack and that’s when I learned that I have bad luck. I got a spade flush after playing Texas hold ‘em. Card games are kind of fun >I have a theory on how to play on krautchan, if you send a card image (at random) then a mod can put a spoiler on your image and they can agree to not look at it and send another one next time 5 minutes later the most cards you can have is 4 for the for image slots. keep track of the money with the less than and more then keys. I don’t know just a thought, belongs on /Bog/.

Texas Bernd 2024-12-19 04:27:35 ⋅ 1mn No. 329679
Today I learned what #simasgogogo Content is on YouTube, I think I’m going to end it all

Texas Bernd 2024-10-31 04:34:24 ⋅ 3mn No. 325262
Well we made it the last day until NNN, it’s also Halloween so happy spooky month. What’s the last and first things you will nut to before and after NNN? And By extension if you lost what did you lose to? Report back to this thread by the end of NNN. >I wish you all good luck bernds, do well
Finland Bernd 2024-12-04 16:24:09 ⋅ 2mn No. 328197
>>328182 that's horroble you're making babby jesus cry
Texas Bernd 2024-12-04 23:53:56 ⋅ 2mn No. 328225
>>328197 Aww is little baby 3faced Jesus crying over me nutting huitzilopochtli Is better
Sweden Bernd 2024-12-06 05:53:03 ⋅ 2mn No. 328319
>>328197 Another close call, last nut was at 11:51 with 9min left
Texas Bernd 2024-12-08 06:51:02 ⋅ 2mn No. 328410
Noooooooooooo I failed DDD which I don’t know is a good thing or a bad thing

United States Bernd 2024-12-07 00:48:32 ⋅ 2mn No. 328351
Today I gave food to jews
Texas Bernd 2024-12-07 16:17:22 ⋅ 2mn No. 328370
>>328366 Bro we ate rice, beans, enchiladas and a salad man. That food was actually good but I couldn’t enjoy any of it because My teeth were sore that day. Luckily I got a big bag of chips
Russia Bernd 2024-12-07 20:44:49 ⋅ 2mn No. 328386
>>328370 give me that bag of chip
United States Bernd 2024-12-07 21:07:43 ⋅ 2mn No. 328388
>>328386 Whomp whomp
Texas Bernd 2024-12-07 22:00:58 ⋅ 2mn No. 328396
>>328388 That’s not me!!! I would never say that (actually) >>328386 How I live half way across the world?

Texas Bernd 2024-12-02 05:50:55 ⋅ 2mn No. 328043
One day I had a dream that moist critical was talking about krautchan >I literally fell asleep to moist critical that day
Russia Bernd 2024-12-02 09:27:01 ⋅ 2mn No. 328055
it was AI dream

Quebec Bernd 2023-02-02 02:29:08 ⋅ 2y No. 251823
What is sacred to you?
Colombia Bernd 2023-04-06 03:57:29 ⋅ 1y No. 264484
idk if anything i consider myself somewhat religious yet i used to hold more things as sacred when i was an atheist worrying desu
Mexico Bernd 2023-08-24 02:50:20 ⋅ 1y No. 284629
>>251823 Feminism, forced inclusion and trolling fash snowflakes.
France Bernd 2024-11-11 02:09:44 ⋅ 3mn No. 326329
>>251823 Life. The innocence denying counter faiths don’t get it. You got to have awe towards life, mystery, respect whats not yours, humility towards the unknown. Some think they are entitled to make Würstchen out of everyone and everything, scraping up what’s sacred and discard the rest as a shell. They create suffering.

Singapore Bernd 2023-11-22 11:20:46 ⋅ 1y No. 294173
i am here
United States Bernd 2023-12-13 21:33:33 ⋅ 1y No. 296206
hello fellow gluemaniac
France Bernd 2024-11-11 01:59:54 ⋅ 3mn No. 326328
>>294173 Nichschön

Texas Bernd 2024-10-22 17:26:15 ⋅ 3mn No. 324514
My phone is Running on 1% but I need it.

Texas Bernd 2024-10-12 19:15:20 ⋅ 4mn No. 322896
Imagine this collab .

United States Bernd 2024-10-05 12:18:30 ⋅ 4mn No. 321932
United States Bernd 2024-10-05 13:46:31 ⋅ 4mn No. 321945
United States Bernd 2024-10-05 16:50:38 ⋅ 4mn No. 321980
They put the DC flag upside down
Russia Bernd 2024-10-05 18:08:54 ⋅ 4mn No. 321991
>>321980 who cares dude, its not even a real state, it shouldn't have a flag and it doesn't have a place in senate, instead it has "shadow senators". What is this? World of Warcraft language? or star wars lingo?
Russia Bernd 2024-10-05 18:11:29 ⋅ 4mn No. 321993
DC is cringe. this are the candidates for "Shadow Senator" jeet and 81 year old guy