2024-09-08 18:29:42 ⋅ 11h
No. 318878
why did the nuleft abandon the working class and shift its focus on deranged and mentally ill people?
2024-09-08 18:59:59 ⋅ 11h
No. 318882
Identity politics
2024-09-08 19:00:51 ⋅ 11h
No. 318883
As a politician the working class won't buy you a Ferrari to represent their interests. Then you need other topics to distinguish yourself from the other parties.
2024-09-08 19:11:03 ⋅ 11h
No. 318884
So bydlo can focus on their differences instead of uniting against common enemy.
2024-09-09 05:58:33 ⋅ 25m
No. 318945
It's the backfire of the kind of leftism KGB planted in le wect to destabilize it post ww2