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Kyo-Ani massacre.

Mexico Bernd 2023-03-07 02:54:36 ⋅ 1y
No. 259283
>Japs be neotenic pedo weirdos. >Jap pedo weirdo makes pedo animuh. >Another jap pedo weirdo kills him and his coworkers because he thought nobody else was a pedo weirdo fantasizing about schoolgirls. I am getting anything wrong with the timeline?
Mexico Bernd 2023-10-06 01:12:17 ⋅ 11mn No. 290516
>>259283 Nope. Right on the money, ol' chap.
Turkey Bernd 2024-03-18 09:02:03 ⋅ 5mn No. 303211
>>259283 that souunds hilarios