this website is pretty dead, more of a wasteland than the mojave

But its cozy.
Congrats on cucking spain, btw. You're doing god's work.

the imageboard era is long since over

That is also true.

its so much better than fourchan why did it have to die why why why

>the imageboard era is long since over
It appears so comrade. I think 4chan popularity with cancer posts killed the site.

and it is because big social media is taking away new users


Taking more then new users since it seems people want to censor the internet also.

Too bad I've came to late for this chan to be so dead. I think 4chan will self destruct soon from popularity and normies believing it's a danger to society with free speech.

Shit anons, even 420chan is more alive than this board

You have to go back

I don't know. I think this place is lovely, plenty of nice people here.

>You have to go back
Shit anon, if I could I would but they closed 420chan like 2 years ago

what's up fellow stoner