Should i try my luck and get some ukrainian refugee girls?
So far i haven't talk to any of them
Are they easy? What are they like?

>Are they easy?
depends on your looks and wallet
>What are they like?
worst women in europe
I would say go for it

Don't be an asshole. Talk to them if you're interested in them, but not if you want to exploit vulnerable people for sex.

exploiting ukrainians into sex work is extremely easy though, how can OP resist

>depends on your looks and wallet
i am good on both, i already attract mostly eastern european i.e russian girls here in germany for some reason.
i think i have some genes for attracting russian girls because it`s such a noticable pattern, many german girls seem to dislike me tho
>worst women in europe

your son will be a little slavshit how cute

Exploiting any people in need when you do have what they need is always easy. It doesn't mean you don't have to resist it

you mean like the ukrainians are doing to dumbfuck europeans right now?

Dunno, nobody's dumbfucking me. And I don't feel like I'm very much in need rn either. Perhaps it's some other europeans you're talking about?

ahaha, no, Oksanas are shitting in their pants and not interested in fucking anything
+most German men are INCEL as fuck.

both statements are bullshit

they all look like Til Schweiger but are incels, that's my thesis

2022-06-09 06:29:33 ⋅ 2y
No. 165581
>+most German men are INCEL as fuck.
I wouldn't call zoomers men.

I saw this thread and burped, but people like you show that this world is not completely rotten. Thank you.

Ahhh sissy. OP don’t listen to this faggot, law of the jungle, prey and hunters. Go fuck those oinkrainian rapefugees.

ukrainian girls are not like your caribbean friends, he'll need to put effort on her if he wants to date her

>implying a dumb smelly ugly dwarf brown serrano provinciano incel knows anything about women

if you had any class (of course you don't you are on the Ukraine)
you'd answer:
man kann nich halb so viel essen, wie man kotzen möchte

If you had any class (of course you do, you're in Germany, but your brain is too small to attend)
you’d shut your mouth