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Make EU Strong

Finland Bernd 2025-01-08 19:16:52 ⋅ 3w
No. 331245
How do we solve the G*rman Problem?
Hungary Bernd 2025-01-08 20:43:08 ⋅ 3w No. 331252
I like that pic, OP. The answer is: Uralics has to take over the EU. Except Finlan and Estonia are as insane as Germany these days.
Turkey Bernd 2025-01-09 00:35:19 ⋅ 3w No. 331263
Good question
Germany Bernd 2025-01-09 01:13:18 ⋅ 3w No. 331265
Germany should leave the EU so it can't dominate the EU like it did during Merkel's prime time. And tie the Deutsche Mark to the €, just like the Swiss did with their Franken.
United States Bernd 2025-01-09 02:24:36 ⋅ 3w No. 331269
Europe is shit anyway. Cigsmokers can't handle each other
Sweden Bernd 2025-01-09 03:20:42 ⋅ 3w No. 331272
The EU shouldn't be strong, or even exist
Germany Bernd 2025-01-09 03:47:16 ⋅ 3w No. 331273
>>331272 Well its a Cold War projekt. But they want sell it us as muhhh Free Trade.
Hungary Bernd 2025-01-09 19:18:11 ⋅ 3w No. 331337
>>331272 >>331273 EU is kinda inevitable. All the nations in the EU have this paradoxical notion of aspiring to be an empire while preserving a high sense of individualism. It's paradoxical because empires are typically multi-national, multi-ethnic. This notion comes from antiquity, as with so many other things, we inherited if from Greece and Rome. Up to the middle of the last century, the empire was initiated unilaterally, one of the nations tried to conquer the rest. The EU however is a cooperative effort. More or less. Anyway to fix the EU, the EU needs cheap resources, first and foremost cheap energy. "Renewables" **how windmills and solar panels "renew" btw? are they grow on trees?** aren't cheap. It's either gas or uranium. Nor the US neither the Arabs are cheap source. It's either Russia or Africa. Both has problems which needs to be solved. The decision is: either make peace with Russia or unfuck Libya and the Sahel. While this is getting solved have to severe ties with the US, have to become independent. First and foremost Europe have to be able to "defend" itself. Europe needs an army, and larger nuclear arsenal. Lotsa money into arms production. Lotsa investments are good for the economy. It's an indirect investment into everything else, since arms manufacturers don't just sit on the moneybags but they spend it. So: get cheap gas and uranium, and build a large army (perhaps as small as 500K troops would be enough). With navy and air force ofc.
Israel Bernd 2025-01-09 21:26:06 ⋅ 3w No. 331363
Eu will be naturally strong with time, no? Prussia went from zollverein to Germany with time.
Germany Bernd 2025-01-09 22:09:45 ⋅ 3w No. 331368
>>331337 > Both has problems which needs to be solved. How?
Finland Bernd 2025-01-10 13:40:16 ⋅ 3w No. 331416
>>331363 OR did Prussia in fcat get partioned between Poland and the HRE with time?
Hungary Bernd 2025-01-10 19:44:49 ⋅ 3w No. 331452
>>331368 I'm not authorized to share the Hungarian world domination plans, sorry.
Moscow Bernd 2025-01-12 10:12:48 ⋅ 3w No. 331566
>>331337 >empires are typically multi-national, multi-ethnic No, that's how empires dying. >have to severe ties with the US, have to become independent EU can't severe ties with USA. Too much to lose. >The decision is: either make peace with Russia or unfuck Libya and the Sahel. EU will fuck Russia instead. >First and foremost Europe have to be able to "defend" itself. Yes, "defend". >Europe needs an army, and larger nuclear arsenal. Already has both. The first one is called NATO the second is France (UK while not in EU anymore will gladly help to fuck Russia and it has nukes too)
Finland Bernd 2025-01-12 11:17:06 ⋅ 3w No. 331568
>>331566 An Empire is by definition a dominion that is multinational
Moscow Bernd 2025-01-12 11:48:18 ⋅ 3w No. 331569
>>331568 Don't tell me you can't see the difference between a Union and Empire? It would be funny to argue with Egyptians, Romans or Mongolians about multikulti, right until they enslave and whip you. Equally fun could be to impress Victorian British with such concept. Than they tie you to a cannon or starve to death.
Finland Bernd 2025-01-12 11:59:18 ⋅ 3w No. 331571
"Empire" doesnt imply that the constituent nations have joined it voluntary
Moscow Bernd 2025-01-12 12:11:39 ⋅ 3w No. 331572
>>331571 First of all it may destroy their nations or do not recognize them as nations or human beings at all. Examples - any European empire during colonial era or any ancient empire until the end of Rome (which ended exactly because late Roman leadership recognized former colonial subjects as legitimate citizens). Consequently any modern European power will cease to exist if immigration won't stop same way as it was over for Rome.
Turkey Bernd 2025-01-12 16:40:50 ⋅ 3w No. 331580
>>331571 Where did you read that?
Finland Bernd 2025-01-13 11:30:12 ⋅ 3w No. 331690
>>331580 that is self evident
Turkey Bernd 2025-01-13 12:54:06 ⋅ 3w No. 331693
>>331690 It's dont.
Hungary Bernd 2025-01-13 16:08:40 ⋅ 3w No. 331695
>>331690 In Russian empire joining is voluntary. The Kremlin volunteers to join you.
Turkey Bernd 2025-01-13 19:13:35 ⋅ 3w No. 331719
>>331695 Turn on TV, greenland is about to "willingly" join burgerstadian empire.
Finland Bernd 2025-01-14 18:11:12 ⋅ 3w No. 331834
>>331719 Greenland isn't the only one being liberated...
Switzerland Bernd 2025-01-14 18:53:41 ⋅ 3w No. 331835
Boomers still have a strong emotional bond to their small states, the school propaganda they were subjected to was really effective. We have to wait until they're weak and powerless. After that we can Bild our strong european republic that will adequately serve the needs of the great european nation.
Hungary Bernd 2025-01-14 20:37:07 ⋅ 3w No. 331838
>>331835 >t. outsider
United Kingdom Bernd 2025-01-15 02:22:39 ⋅ 3w No. 331845
>>331363 Prussia had strong and competent leadership. The eu doesnt and is infested with if not led by american clients Consider that european strategic assets (greenland, as said earlier) are openly being discussed as potential new territories for an imperial rival that castrated hogs see as an ally - europe says nothing and gives no strong response or support for denmark. Eu is a joke, that is why russia moves into its natural 'backyard.'
Hungary Bernd 2025-01-15 09:54:19 ⋅ 2w No. 331863
>>331845 In general I can agree on what you wrote. But. >european strategic assets (greenland Greenland is not owned by Europe or the EU. It's own by Denmark. It is not a European or EU asset, it's a Danish asset. Denmark can do whatever she wants with it, she could sell it even - how'd they do this is up for Denmark. If the US used military force, they'd violate Denmark's sovereign borders. I'm not saying here the US is beyond violating sovereign borders of a country/state, she proved that in the past she's capable doing that. EU is not a state. It has nothing like a state has. EU is a international/supranational organization. It has agreements. Paper and words all the assets the EU has.
Hungary Bernd 2025-01-25 11:57:55 ⋅ 1w No. 333289
According to new regulation German wind turbines will rotate against the wind from now on.
United Kingdom Bernd 2025-01-29 02:52:34 ⋅ 1w No. 333525
>>331863 >It is not a European or EU asset, it's a Danish asset. Denmark can do whatever she wants with it, she could sell it even - how'd they do this is up for Denmark Denmark is part of Europe. Regardless of how the EU constitutes itself the interference of any external power in the affairs of any European country is a threat to all of them. Europe is not simply an international institution, it is a civilisation. It is not up to Denmark, a country of a few million, it is up to the United States. All European countries, and peoples thereof, must recognise that American aggression toward Denmark is a reflection of external powers' perceptions of Europe's weakness. This is as consequential for how America or China treats Hungary as for Denmark.
Turkey Bernd 2025-01-29 08:33:11 ⋅ 6d No. 333540
>>333289 >>333525 Do you both think EU is really an independent force or is it more like USA vassal? This Greenland question actually can be a good indicator on this matter.
Hungary Bernd 2025-01-29 21:42:46 ⋅ 6d No. 333565
>>333525 >Europe is not simply an international institution 1. I wrote EU is a international/supranational organization. 2. Europe is neither. You are mixing up the two on purpose so you can strawman my point. >Europe is a civilisation Europe is not a civilization. I can agree on that "European civilization" do exist. But that not creates a community or a common responsibility. The EU could take responsibility, but that's a different matter. >>333540 EU is an international/supranational organization, consisting of states/countries that are USA clients. There is a strong USAian lobby that influences EU bureaucrats. So if you want you can consider it as a vassal. Right now it feels like the EU is a piggy bank for the US.
Israel Bernd 2025-01-30 19:36:46 ⋅ 5d No. 333638
What is eu
Finland Bernd 2025-01-30 19:43:13 ⋅ 5d No. 333639
>>333638 it's when you send money from north to south
Hungary Bernd 2025-01-30 20:05:14 ⋅ 5d No. 333640
>>333639 The rare case when the money flows down shit flows up.