Would you serve in your country’s military and go to war if your country would get attacked?

depends who's attacking


Well in our case it would be Russia most likely

Lame bait thread Koti.

Now this is the question that has no easy answer.
In a perfect world where we would surely fight for our country's interest, under leaders who are worthy to respect, and who also work for the country's and (most importantly) the people's interest: absolutely.
As things are standing now: I have my reservations.

Except you wouldn't be fighting for your leaders or country or whatever
You would be fighting so you and people you love don't get murdered or worse (case in point: russian animals slaughtering civilians in Ukraine)

How long did you serve in the Hungarian armed forces?

if that should ever become a realistic scenario i will already be at the eastern polish border sniping 18yo russian conscripts

They would not even take you in the Volksturm, Koti.

Also I noticed that beside my non of the posters replied to OP, and OP wasn't forthcoming with his opinion about this.
You should fix this ASAP.

*beside me none

>I have my reservations.
tbh this is not a real reply to the question either.

Personally, I doubt that I would have any moral issues shooting at other soldiers to kill them. I would have problems however being in a troup with some IQ89 meathead as my leader.
Although it might be a great adventure I doubt that fighting in the front lines would be something I would do willingly. I think that my brain can perform well in stressful situations but I think that I'm not that good at controlling my body in such a scenario. And I'm not a good shooter.
I could fulfill some technical role like maintaining drones, work on machines, or write military software.

Because my own take on the matter would distort the answers. I know arguments for and against it and I’m curious which side Bernds favor


probably not but I would fight to defend my state/region if it was under attack

i envy real federalism in action

Why do Chechnyans and Dagestanis fight for Russian central government

It is a real reply. Not Sure is as real as Yes and No.

Cuz the poccner modus operandi is to bastardize and breed stupidity, poverty and desperation. Dagestan and Chechnya under mockba rule are designed to be wastelands both intellectually and economically, where young men would naturally decide to join the ranks of putinoid landsknechts, having no other options financially and no conscience/education to realize why this is a bad idea. This is why we see these iq64 men attempting to do what Yermolov and Yeltsin did to their ancestors to Ukrainians (unsuccessfully).

I don't think me going to war would make any positive contribution for the war effort. I never served and have no related skills whatsoever so my country would have to waste time and resources on my training and all of that just to see me getting killed in the first active encounter because I was too slow to duck or take cover when 15$ cardboard UAV dropped a grenade. I hope my country would recognise that and send more capable people instead if that happens (Germans for example, I think our land army is practically merged into Bundeswehr nowadays)

for great shitain i would do nothing, possibly even work with the invader.
for scotland i would wear a vest
>Dagestan and Chechnya under mockba rule are designed to be wastelands both intellectually and economically
i think you give those thumbheaded thugs too much credit. nothing of any intellectual value ever came out of either region, even before russian rule.


Heard. Same

What animals? Bears? Can you even even assign a nationality to an animal? Except maybe pandas.

Moose. I heard they are more dangerous than bears. Or TIGERs.


If they draft/mobilize me, yes, just for the comedy of it, otherwise no.
But if they are mobilising this means the country is literally being invaded on all sides, and the Israeli government is going guerrilla werwolf or arming all male Jews as last resort.
So it would be easier to leave on a cargo ship to Europe