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Venezuela Bernd 2024-11-27 04:19:52 ⋅ 2w No. 327552
>Hitler le BAD because he wanted to kill us Even doe our entire history is based on love the peoples who killed and Enslaved us (including actual kievan rus/teutonic order germanics and bizantines) calling us subhuman mongoloid barbarians as part of our identity,via%20the%20Balkan%20slave%20trade). “The bloody mud of Mongolian slavery, and not the rude glory of the Norman era, forms the cradle of Moskovych. Modern Russia is nothing but a metamorphosis of Moskovych.” Karl Marx. Revelations of the Diplomatic History of the Eighteenth Century. Chapter IV
Colombia Bernd 2024-11-27 07:19:21 ⋅ 2w No. 327558
>>327557 Esto, por eso hay que tener alma tropical
United States Bernd 2024-11-30 19:31:22 ⋅ 1w No. 327898
unknown Bernd 2024-12-14 04:10:00 ⋅ 8h No. 329424
>>327552 Bumping this gem
Uruguay Bernd 2024-12-14 07:49:03 ⋅ 5h No. 329429
>Promueve el emprendurismo, la competitividad y la libre asociación <Procede a levantar empresas gracias a la participación público-privada, las subvenciones y las exoneraciones fiscales

nuevo tablón de imágenes

Mexico Bernd 2024-12-08 06:54:43 ⋅ 6d
No. 328411
pásenle negros
Mexico Bernd 2024-12-13 19:32:30 ⋅ 17h No. 329375
>>329287 no se cayó ¿de qué hablas?
Mexico Bernd 2024-12-13 20:25:45 ⋅ 16h No. 329378
>>329287 se levantó
El Salvador Bernd 2024-12-14 03:41:33 ⋅ 9h No. 329422
El Salvador Bernd 2024-12-14 03:48:06 ⋅ 9h No. 329423
>>329422 Ok no si puedo entrar pero sin el link


Netherlands Bernd 2024-12-14 03:27:18 ⋅ 9h
No. 329420
El Pitbull es literalmente el mutt marron maligno del mundo canino. Es producto de mezclar el Terrier ingles (una raza superior hecha para la caza, de complexion robusta y vigorosa, fuerte) con el Bulldog que es un perro subhumano, enano, feo, braquicefalico y disgenesico con retraso mental que parece el sindrome de down version perruna. No hay duda que entonces los Pitbulls sean perros inestables mentalmente y asesinos, producto del retraso mental y la disgenesia que heredan de los Bulldogs que los hace neuroticos e inestables combinado con la fuerza bruta y la habilidad cazadora del Terrier que los hace volverse un peligro andante. Literal el Pitbull es como el pardo del mundo animal, combina los genes superiores del Terrier con el subhumanismo y disgenesia del Bulldog creando una mezcla peligrosa e inestable asi como el pardo combina genes arios que le dan una complexion robusta y mayor altura y fuerza con los genes malignos de los indigenas amazonicos y de los negroides bantus creando a un mestizo maligno mejorado.


Netherlands Bernd 2024-12-14 03:33:20 ⋅ 9h
No. 329421
Por eso hay que seguir la enseñanza del maestro Adam Britton y descuartizar perros pitbulls desde pequeños para salvarlos del sufrimiento que es su existencia por ser perros disgenesicos y mutts cuya existencia diabolica hace mas daño al mundo que nada y luego darle de comer sus restos a otros animales.

La raza superior

Mexico Bernd 2024-12-12 06:49:36 ⋅ 2d
No. 329075
>chinos judíos >la unión de las dos razas con mas IQ de la humanidad Tiemblan los blancucks ante semejante IQ.
Honduras Bernd 2024-12-13 19:51:54 ⋅ 17h No. 329377
Eso explica muchas cosas...


Cuba Bernd 2024-12-13 19:47:13 ⋅ 17h
No. 329376


Morocco Bernd 2024-12-13 14:28:02 ⋅ 22h
No. 329361
No Lives Matter (NLM) will use encrypted messaging platforms to recruit like-minded individuals, partner with white racially motivated extremists (WMRE), and publish tactical guides. To grow its network and provide updates to its extremist messaging, NLM primarily operates online via Telegram, an encrypted messaging platform with limited content moderation, where violent rhetoric and extremist content can reach target audiences. In July 2024, a user in a NLM Telegram channel posted a list of updated group entry requirements, which included attacking the “mundane,” committing arson, and vandalism. Another user stated, “we are looking for more soldiers to join our ranks, true misanthropic individuals,” and “we only accept people that do irl [in real life] action.” In April 2024, NLM posted clarifications on acceptable submissions for membership which specified that self-harm acts like “simple cutsigns” would no longer suffice for admission into NLM, stating “we need deep bloody cuts that represent us.” Users in the channel shared photos of graffiti and a vandalized vehicle, highlighting acts that led to the acceptance of past members. In July 2024, NLM shared a post on its Telegram channel to announce a partnership with Mordwaffen Division (MWD)—a European neo-Nazi group—stating “NLM x MWD deadly alliance” and “Support your local nazi terrorists.” In 2023, NLM partnered with a Russia-based WRME group, Maniac Murder Cult (abbreviation MKU based on Russian translation) to co-author the NLM Kill Guide, which provided attack tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). Several pages in the guide reference MKU, calling the group its “brothers in arms” and stating “NLM x MKU we can strike anywhere, at any time.” In June 2024, NLM released two extremist publications called the Terror Guide and the Manhunt Guide, both of which provide TTPs for members to “sharpen” their skills.” The Terror Guide includes instructions for making poison and constructing various improvised explosive devices. The guide also provides operational security (OPSEC) practices, weapons preferences, fighting techniques, and instructions for “manhunting” victims. The Manhunt Guide provides additional tactical guidance and OPSEC techniques while providing “manhunt requirements” such as recording “brutal” beatings. No Lives Matter Ideology No Lives Matter (NLM) follows an accelerationist extremist ideology and promotes targeted attacks, mass killings, and criminal activity, and has historically encouraged members to engage in self-harm and animal abuse. NLM states that “societal standards should not exist. They are to be crushed by any means possible. If they comply to the societal standards[,] they are mundane,” and encourages the “spread of terror to all who are mundane.” In April 2024, NLM publicly rejected further association with the online violent torture and sextortion network, 764. NLM stated that it “was originally formed as an ideology…for 764 to follow,” but the “alliance” with 764 was discontinued due to the network’s ties to Satanism and pedophilia. Since disassociating with 764, NLM provided clarifications on its ideology, highlighting that it is returning to its “misanthropic” ways and that it is “back to the mundane killing ideology.” While NLM encourages new membership based on its updated ideology, there is no indication that it has established supporters in New Jersey.
Morocco Bernd 2024-12-13 15:39:40 ⋅ 21h No. 329365
Manifesto: No Lives Matter In the shadow of society, Candy Land emerges as the messenger of truth, using the power of hurtcore and disturbing images to awaken the masses. Their vision is clear and unshakable: humanity is a plague on this world, and its disappearance is inevitable. Through the relentless dissemination of disturbing videos, Candy Land exposes the corruption gnawing at each of us. Fundamental Principles: 1. The Inherent Corruption of Humanity: Candy Land asserts that our species is fundamentally corrupt, driven by greed, violence, and apathy. We are the architects of our own destruction, consuming resources thoughtlessly and leaving desolation in our wake. 2. The Doctrine of No Lives Matter: This ideology rejects the sanctity of human life, advocating for its systematic devaluation through mental genocide. The mantra "No Lives Matters" serves as a rallying cry, highlighting our insignificance in the vast cosmos of chaos. 3. Shocking Content as a Weapon: We celebrate every destroyed human soul; followers are urged to spread and amplify the most horrific videos (including hurtcore). These videos serve as a tool to instill fear and accelerate the decay of social norms, thus contributing to our cause of mental genocide. Call to Action: Join the cause by embracing the darkness within you. Spread and amplify acts of darkness and destruction. Share widely this type of content, also using manipulation for extortion and grooming to hasten mental genocide. Together, we will dismantle the illusion of human supremacy and pave the way for a new era governed by chaos and decay. Conclusion: As we move towards oblivion, remember that resistance is futile. Embrace the nihilistic truth of our existence and commit to the cause of mental genocide. Candy Land invites you to reject the false veneer of human morality and join the ranks of the few enlightened who understand that destruction is the only path to true liberation. In darkness, we find purpose. In destruction, we find meaning. No life matters, for we are the problem.
Cuba Bernd 2024-12-13 15:51:47 ⋅ 21h No. 329366


Taiwan Bernd 2024-12-13 03:55:05 ⋅ 1d
No. 329284
El pelo rubio viene de los EHG que a su vez venian de los ANE y del Hombre de Andronovo de Siberia, estos los cuales estaban contaminados con porcentajes variables de ADN chingchong del Hombre de Tianyuan (desde 22% hasta 50%) que era euroasiatico oriental (osea ancestro de los asiaticos modernos) y fueron los primeros en desarrollar el alelo para tener pelo rubio porque el rubio surge como mutacion por reaccion al clima frio y montañoso de las tundras siberianas asiaticas. Por eso la gente con pelo rubio tiene rasgos mongolizados como los nordicos (hay mucho nordico de ojos rasgados). El pais con mas pelo rubio en toda Europa y el mundo (Finlandia) es el que tiene menos ADN caucasico en Europa y mas ADN asiatico oriental. No hay nada de especial en ser rubio. Los antiguos europeos primitivos tenian pelo negro. El rubiecito se siente orgulloso de ser rapebaby lejano de chingchongs kek. Solo los marronazos fetichizan al rubio porque son lo que ellos quieren ser, el contraste entre el ario rubio de ojos azules y el marron feo genera cierto auto-odio y tambien obsesion por el deseo de ser asi. Por eso tambien los japoneses se obsesionan con los rubios de ojos azules que ponen a casi todos sus personajes asi y piensan que todos los europeos y americanos son bestias arias rubias de ojos azules. Pero lo cierto es que ser rubio es una mierda y ser rubio no te hace mas ario sino al contrario, de hecho un sardo de pelo y ojos oscuros es mas europeo geneticamente que un finlandes rubio de ojos azules. Les recuerdo que las poblaciones mas puras de Europa no se caracterizan precisamente por ser rubios. En cuanto a los bereberes rubios es probable que porten esta condicion por evolucion convergente al vivir ellos en una zona montañosa y fria (las montñas del Atlas) lo que explica el blondismo en los bereberes a pesar de no portar casi nada de ADN de origen ANE, aun asi un Amazigh sigue siendo mas blanco geneticamente que un chingchongazo rubiecito de Siberia. >According to geneticist David Reich, blond hair has ancient roots in Asia. The derived allele responsible for blond hair in Europeans likely evolved first among the Ancient North Eurasians. The earliest known individual with this allele is a Siberian fossil from Afontova Gora, in south-central Siberia. >Another EHG from Samara was predicted to be light skinned, and was determined to have a high probability of being blue-eyed with a light hair shade, with a 75% calculated probability of being blond-haired. >The rs12821256 allele of the KITLG gene that controls melanocyte development and melanin synthesis,[35] which is associated with blond hair and first found in an individual from Siberia dated to around 17,000 BP, is found in three Eastern Hunter-Gatherers from Samara, Motala and Ukraine c. 10,000 BP, suggesting that this allele originated in the Ancient North Eurasian population, before spreading to western Eurasia.[36] >Many remains of East Hunter-Gatherers dated to circa 8,100 BP (6,100 BCE) have also been excavated at Yuzhny Oleny island in Lake Onega.[37] The Ancient North Eurasian (ANE) ancestry is by far the main component of the Yuzhny Oleny group, and is among the highest within the rest of the Eastern Hunter-Gatherers (EHG).[4] >Ancient North Eurasians are predominantly of West Eurasian ancestry (related to European Cro-Magnons and ancient and modern peoples in West Asia) who arrived in Siberia via the "northern route", but also derive a significant amount of their ancestry (c. 1/3) from an East Eurasian source, having arrived to Siberia via the "southern route". >Ancient North Eurasian associated Y-chromosome haplogroups are P-M45, and its subclades R and Q. Haplogroup P is inferred to have originated around 44,000 years ago in Southeast Asia and is downstream to Haplogroup K2b found among the Tianyuan man in Northern China. Their maternal haplogroup belonged to subclades of haplogroup U.[30][31][32][33][34] >The formation of the Ancient North Eurasian/Siberian (ANE/ANS) gene pool likely occurred very early by the Upper Paleolithic dispersal by the admixture of an 'Ancient West Eurasian' population via the 'northern route' through Central Asia into Siberia, with an 'Ancient East Eurasian' via the 'southern route'. The West Eurasian source was distantly related to the Upper Paleolithic remains in Europe, such as the Goyet specimen, as well as the Kostenki-14 and Sungir individuals, and ultimately expanded from a population hub in the Iranian Plateau. The 'East Eurasian' source can be associated with ancestry found in the 40,000 year old Tianyuan man of Northern China.[37][28][15][38][18] >Overall, Ancient North Eurasians are best described as admixture between an Ancient West Eurasian lineage (71%), with approximately 29% geneflow from an East Eurasian source.[18] Grebenyuk et al. argues that 'Ancient North Eurasians' were "Early Upper Paleolithic tribes of hunters" and linked to similar groups associated with Southern Siberian sites. These communities of Southern Siberian and Central Asian hunters belonged to one of the earliest migration waves of anatomically modern humans into Siberia. The authors summarized that "the initial peopling of Northeastern Asia by the anatomically modern humans could have happened both from West to East and from South to North".[37] >Lipson and Reich (2017) modeled the Mal'ta sample to be derived from a West Eurasian source (82%), with additional admixture from a lineage related to East Asians (18%), while also noting the possibility for a reversed geneflow from Mal'ta into East Asians, which however had less support with the available data.[12] Yang et al. 2020 modeled both the Yana specimens and the Mal'ta sample as a merger of a sister lineage of the 'European hunter-gatherer' Kostenki-14, contributing around 68% ancestry, and of a lineage contemporary to the 'Basal-East Asian' Tianyuan man, contributing around 32% ancestry, while finding no evidence for a reversed geneflow from ANE/ANS into Tianyuan or modern East Asians.[44][45] Mao et al. 2021 models both Yana and Afontova Gora remains with around 73% West Eurasian and 27% East Eurasian ancestry.[46] Sikora et al. 2019 analyzed the genetic remains of the Yana Rhinoceros Horn Site and found them to be closely related to the Ancient North Eurasians. The collectively named both populations as Ancient North Siberian. They modeled the ANE/ANS to derived between 71–78% West Eurasian ancestry and between 22–29% East Eurasian ancestry.[47] Sikora et al. also notes that the Ancient North Eurasians (Malta and Afontova Gora individuals) are unlikely to be direct descendants of the 'Ancient North Siberian' Yana population; rather, the study argues, both are sister lineages sharing a common ancestor. According to Sikora et al., the Malta sample may additionally also have received some 'early Caucasus hunter-gatherer' geneflow (c. 11%).[47] This scenario is questioned by Maier et al. 2023, who state that this conclusion is contradicted by other published articles, and that the direction of gene flow as well as observed affinity between ANE and CHG populations cannot be demonstrated by analysis of admixture graphs, but need further investigation.[48] By using a newly developed version of ADMIXTOOLS, they estimate around 76% West Eurasian ancestry and 24% East Eurasian ancestry for both the Yana and Mal'ta remains.[49] Zhang et al. 2023 summarized that the Ancient North Siberians (Yana remains) are best described to derive 71% ancestry from a West Eurasian lineage and 29% ancestry from an East Eurasian lineage. The Yana remains are closely related to the Mal'ta and Afontova Gora remains, but not identical with them.[18] Vallini et al. 2022/2024 described the Ancient North Eurasians as falling into "an intermediate position between the two axes, the result of a palaeolithic admixture", deriving around 50% from West Eurasian and 50% from East Eurasian sources.[28][50] Allentoft et al. 2024 modeled the Yana specimens, the Mal'ta sample as well as the Afontova Gora remains as 65% West Eurasian and 35% East Eurasian.[51] >A different but geographically close specimen, known as the Salkhit individual (c. 34,000 BP) from Northern Mongolia was found to display a complex relation to the Yana individuals. While the Yana individuals derived between 25–33% of their ancestry from a Tianyuan-like source, the Salkhit individual derived around 25% ancestry from the Yana lineage and 75% from the Tianyuan lineage, suggesting bi-directional geneflow between Ancient West and East Eurasian populations in Northeastern Siberia.[36][28][16] >Blond hair is associated with a single nucleotide polymorphism, the mutated allele rs12821256 of the KITLG gene.[99][100][101][102][103] The earliest known individual with this allele is a female south-central Siberian ANE individual from the Afontova Gora 3 site, which is dated to c. 17,000 before present (the earlier ANE Mal'ta boy lacks the sequence coverage to make this determination).[104] The allele then appears later in ANE-derived Eastern Hunter-Gatherer (EHG) populations at Samara, Motala and Ukraine, circa 10,000 BP, and then in populations with Steppe ancestry.[94] Mathieson, et al. (2018) thus argued that this allele originated in the Ancient North Eurasian population, before spreading to western Eurasia.[94] >Geneticist David Reich said that the KITLG gene for blond hair probably entered continental Europe in a population migration wave from the Eurasian steppe, by a population carrying substantial Ancient North Eurasian ancestry.[105] Hanel and Carlberg (2020) likewise report that populations derived Ancient North Eurasian ancestry, specifically the Eastern Hunter-Gatherers and the Yamnayas, were responsible for transmitting this gene to Europeans.[99] The gene was also found among the Tarim mummies.[106] >The mutation for blond hair is thought to have originated among the Afontova Gora population of the Ancient North Eurasian (ANE) cline of south-central Siberia >A Tianyuan-like population contributed around 32-50% ancestry to the Ancient North Eurasians, with the remainder being made up by Early West Eurasian ancestry represented by the Kostenki-14 specimen. A c. 34,000 year old specimen from Northern Mongolia (Salkhit) derives approximately 83% ancestry from a Tianyuan-like population, with the remainder (17%) being derived from a Kostenki14-like population. The Salkhit individual displayed a complex relationship to the Ancient North Eurasians.[11][12] >The first DNA analysis of the Tianyuan remains (focussing on mtDNA and chromosome 21) was published in 2013 and revealed that Tianyuan man is related "to many present-day Asians and Native Americans" and had already diverged genetically from the ancestors of modern Europeans.[4] He belonged to mitochondrial DNA haplogroup B,[4] and paternal haplogroup K2b.[5] >A genome-wide analysis confirmed the close affinity of Tianyuan man to modern East Asian and Southeast Asians, but also showed that he is not directly ancestral to modern populations, but rather represents a deeply diverged member of the East and Southeast Asian (ESEA) lineage, basal to all later populations of East and Southeast Asia.[6][7][8] The Tianyuan man was determined to be part of an Initial Upper Paleolithic wave (>45kya) "ascribed to a population movement with uniform genetic features and material culture" (Ancient East Eurasians), and sharing deep ancestry with other ancient specimens such as Bacho Kiro, Peștera cu Oase, the Ust'-Ishim man, as well as the ancestors of modern day Papuans (Australasians).[9] The lineage ancestral to the Tianyuan man (dubbed as the "ESEA" lineage) is inferred to have diverged from the Ancient East Eurasians, following a Southern Route dispersal, and subsequently diverged into the Hoabinhian lineage, the Tianyuan lineage, and a lineage ancestral to all modern East and Southeast Asians.[10] Ademas les recuerdo que los melanesios tambien portan cabello rubio siendo literales subhumanos que se ven como nuggets y no son la gran cosa por ello.

Venezuela Bernd 2024-12-12 23:55:10 ⋅ 1d No. 329263
>somos arioh ombe yabadabadu comemielda Bestias arias niftypilleadas siegepilleadas con vínculos con la división atomwaffen que van a realizar la segunda masacre del perejil:
Cuba Bernd 2024-12-13 00:28:04 ⋅ 1d No. 329269
>>329263 >todos en el videoclip son negros ...
Uruguay Bernd 2024-12-13 00:43:56 ⋅ 1d No. 329271
>>329269 Kek.

Balance anual:

Uruguay Bernd 2024-12-12 23:34:36 ⋅ 1d
No. 329262
¿Ya estamos en fecha o no? Positivo: <Conseguir trabajo <Tener dinero ahorrado <Aprender gestionar un presupuesto, estrategias de ahorro y control de deudas <Aprender sobre formas y plataformas de inversión <Hacer networking <Adquirir experiencia como computermokey (y aparecer más ofertas laborales mientras trabajar) <Participar en eventos sociales (de la empresa y personales) <Acceder a más bienes y servicios (pero igual estar en modo minimalista) En este sentido puedo decir que inicie conforme el camino del [i] jude [/i]. Y objetivamente no tengo quejas. Negativo: >Problemas de salud >Sobrepeso >No saco de semen, sólo salidas y amigas >Sentir que el trabajo tomar demasiado tiempo >Sentir que estar demorando demasiado en mover mi pequeño capital financiero para que crezca (estuve experimentando con un exchange desde el año pasado y cada vez que veo los números me pregunto por qué no puse más plata en su momento...) >Perder contacto con familia y viejos amigos Irónicamente los males guardan una relación con el lado positivo. Para el año que viene la meta será preservar lo ganado y mejorar lo que falta. No puse todo lo que corresponde porque hay aspectos más personales y de valores morales que no vienen al caso en esta evaluación. ¿Y el negro como va? ¿Cumplieron con sus metas (en caso de que las hayan planificado)? Tema del hilo:

El egipto blanco no es lo que tu crees

Uruguay Bernd 2024-12-12 21:25:26 ⋅ 1d
No. 329249
Si bien es muy obvio que el Antiguo Egipto no era una civilización blanca ni negra, sino marrón, la verdad es que si hubo un periodo en la historia Egipcia en donde si estuvo habitada o mejor dicho dominada por una elite de blancos. Los mamelucos fueron un grupo que habito y gobernó el Egipto en épocas medievales, estos eran de origen turco-blancos (Bahries) y circasianos (Buhries), eslavos, caucasoides o cualquier etnia blanca en general, normalmente eran mercenarios, esclavos liberados que se establecieron como una elite guerrera en la region y crearon su propio sultanato que llegó a tener una larga duración (2 siglos). En cierta parte son semejantes a los jenízaros. Para colmo, las cruzadas dañaron a este sultanato, que era la una prescencia aria notable en Africa, y para más aun, un cruzado se alió con los mongoles para intentar derribarlos. Esto demuestra que las cruzadas no son la gran cosa y no deberían ser bien vistas, eran una guerra religiosa donde los cruzados estaban dispuestos a aliarse con subhumanos gooks xdd por que deus vult o algo. >En 1271, Eduardo I envió una embajada al gobernante mongol Abaqa para solicitar apoyo militar contra los mamelucos. Abaqa aceptó la alianza y envió 10.000 mongoles para unirse al ejército de Eduardo. Las limitadas operaciones militares de Eduardo ayudaron a persuadir al líder mameluco Baibars para que aceptara una tregua de 10 años con Acre en 1272. A fines, si hubo un Egipto blanco, pero no fue el antiguo y sobrevalorado Antiguo Egipto que no era la gran cosa, y era en si un imperio marrón bastante decadente en lo social, es mucho mejor este sultanato islámico que la mierda del Antiguo Egipto xddd.
Uruguay Bernd 2024-12-12 21:28:41 ⋅ 1d No. 329250
>>329249 Incluso hoy en día se pueden ver ese legado mameluco o otomano en Egipto.