I was promoted from developer to senior developer today. I have become a project leader some time ago along with it.
This promotion came with 2% wage increase. [spoiler]I get 5.5% for this year. But everyone else has gotten 3.5%[/spoiler]
Sales have been bad this year. We were used to grow like 10% every year. The last decade was primarily driven by china. But china has stopped buying that much stuff from germany and the whole industry is stagnating or going down with it.

How much do you get brutto every month

How about responsibility? How much it grew?

>How about responsibility?
What does this even mean? As an employee you are never responsible for anything.
Team is me and two other guys. One of them has been in the company for like 20 years and I feel like he intentionally ignores my suggestions whenever he talks about his technical problems. But he is still a capable developer and as long as doesn't do retarded things it is fine. I don't think I was an easy team member myself.

Bro you’re literally filthy rich Oberschicht with such income, what are you doing here with us plebs

It's a normal codegarch salary in the wect in the right industry. You will get something similar in any IG-Metall Tarif with 40h per week. Just make a little bit of job hoping when you start your job until you find a good company.
Most of you are just poor because you are still students.
>filthy rich Oberschicht
the fun thing is that even if I saved up my entire salary for 10 years I still can only afford to buy a mid tier house for half a million. American codegarchs of similar level would be multi millionaires by this point.

Are you an office dweller? Also which language?


Yes. We speak german at the office [spoiler]C#, C++[/spoiler]

How much do you earn as an expat in turkey?

>What does this even mean?
As an employee you have a salary you get and responsibilities to tend to. Do you have to do more work? More sensitive work? Do you have new tasks? Different ones? Do you have to tend to junior coworkers? Do they take your errors more seriously? Etc etc.