I didn't do anything illegal like posting CSAM. My thread was just a discussion about the legality of such material. It wasn't even a openly pro-MAP thread. Wow, what a bigot mapphobe website.

Same thing with tor scams, you didn’t say “post CP” but you where implying that CP is not as bad as “ mainstream media” says

Even the term “ even a openly pro-MAP” implies that it was concealing pro MAP ideologies

Yup,your a kohlchanner. Get the fug out of here Pedo and stay out.

Trust if I was a bigot then I wouldn’t be a countryballer/polandballer
And if you weren’t pro map then I wouldn’t have banned you. I want people on KC but be cool, don’t even fuck with CP your just going to get yourself banned. It’s just for 7 days unlike the pedo bots that do post CP on KC so if you care so much then come back and play nice, but if you are just here to get people on CP then get out.
>if I don’t see you back then I knew what person you are

Please tell me more I would love to hear your side of the story and give you a fair chance of redemption

Not in most places it's not a crime to voice a opinion anyway but regardless be ready for the consequences. Especially with such subjects such as Cp.

That’s like saying I feel bad for just stop oil I know there a terrorist but they have good intentions. Like what the fuck?!?
<side note i use the term “terrorist” incorrectly but the point still stands

>>331108 wtf is wrong with you? Trying to say that Cp should be legal and blah blah blah. You picked up one too many fleas in Kohlchan. Your messed up in the head for even thinking Cp should be allowed.


Hey man this is Countryballs not all opinion are valid, something smart people know. I’m not valid for saying “we should kill blacks” grow up!!!



Ok so Americanball is being a bit of a meat rider but the point still stands
>Thanks for have my back

Try that Cp stuff again and I'm sure the mods will give you a Permanent ban.

What’s wrong mad?
>no balls jajajjajaja

Sorry was Dick move, as a countryballer I am actually interested in hearing your side of the story. I banned that post because it was inappropriate and flawed argument you have 7 days to think to make something better or get off this site.

Considering you’re still here, I would happily un ban you if you can prove what you said wasn’t MAP sympathy

You lost

Don't ever do that cp crap again

Bro,you just fckd up.

Joining the party, Germany

You will eat ze bugs.

Congrats,Your on a watch list now if your not already.

Hmph,Is that you Jeffrey Epstein? Or Diddy?...

I’m not a mapphobe I saw the /r/polandball map for 2024
<and I didn’t scream once

Welp, you fckd around and you found out.

You see that shit that’s me banning a actual pedo for 4 million years don’t say your not a pedo and beat around the bush because that’s where your ending up.
>new record 1 minute after post

>New record few seconds

UwU mi amor,destrúyelos.


Stfu nugget

Stfu shill bot



Here to prove us wrong

Yes,now eat shit and die you furry femboy faggot. Die a slow agonizing death you freak.

<First of all W alliteration would had preferred you to say fucking furry femboy faggot but that’s just me.
Second of all [b]IM NOT A FURRY[/b] *hisss* fuck you pedo and your emoji cats tire post
>you suck pedo

Women ☕️



Go pick cotton 8baller

Got them there with the 8baller insult

Fixed that for you. >Got them there with the 8baller insult

Pure brainrot
