Trump is sigma.

Prove it

He already has been for years but a liberal such as yourself don't want to see that

Well, that’s enough proof I need.
>liberal such as yourself
And So is most of countryball, your point?

Point is obvious, now go sug on commiecalifornia meat ya fuggin libtard. I'll take trump over sleepy biden any day.

Polcompball isn’t all bad, you just have to learn to laugh at it. Laugh at the face of the world powers and leaders
>Doing so is one of the steps to be a Polandballer


Liberals gonna shit a brick over this like the fuckin crackheads they are

You all sug

He's better than Trudeau any time

No no no, the liberal government party is ass, most of the people in it are idiots.
I just want you to stop following the trump propaganda, Joe sucks, hunter sucks and Trump sucks, stop acting like he’s the new jusus

I Don't care for none of them politicians honestly, I've just been messing with ya

Corn pop was a bad dude meme

Jezuz lol,fug religion too

Religion isn’t that bad i like religion but I also understand that some things are not meant to be Took in literally.

Good 4 u,anyways fug religion still...especially organized religion.

Universalizing religion is mid

But I told you man, im not a Christian

Idgaf. Basically what I'm getting at is what works for you doesn't work for everyone necessarily.

Whatever, there's other religions out there but still. Fug it all

Sure thing redditor

Religion is just a crutch of a coping mechanism for most it seems anyway which is fine I suppose but meh, people like jehova witnesses, Mormons and church of scientology need to fck the Hella off

Because them 3 are a scam. Money is there god actually just like most religions. It's just a money racket

Heck,idc if everyone on here disagrees,religion is still Bs

But hey,good for you if it makes you happy, just Don't be dragging others into that ludicrously that want no part of it

We can agree to disagree then
It don't seem to be doing you much good though, the religion you believe in whatever it is. Your still that bloody degenerate furry whatever Untermensch from Texas still. That's so...mid CRINGE




What's wrong texan bro? Did you get your feelings hurt or something?? 😏

What is this epic gotcha moment of a thread.
No Conversation was going nowhere I didn’t even read the rest of what it was saying,
> Let me respond to the allegations real quick

Yeah, they’re a lot of money to be made about religion that’s why most of it is mid, I like religion because it brings people together (sometimes) most of the time it puts people at war, but we would had never got the calendar and studied the stars if it wasn’t for the belief of God
I feel like that’s true for modern religions
Like I said, universalizing religion is mid, I would never try to impose an ideology or belief over someone. (Part of religion forbidden that)

GTFO mental patients and take meds.

Wow, we got an intelligent guy on our hands

Nine DU!!!

Wow, we got a intelligent guy on our hands...

Disregarded... Walter

Yeah, you’re right, Nine DU might be one of the least intelligent things someone can say in an argument.
>but it still holds up when you’re arguing with a guy across the Internet on a dead image bored

Haha, how original and how funny, I wonder where you got that one from

Noted and filed right in the dumpster bin where it belongs

From a communist

Well, at least you admit it's a dead image board
Ok Anarcho your the one who posted a anarchist flag
Communism is lame and dumb, something im not

No no, I know I what it to be filled with life, just give me a few years

Sure thing. Whatever you say. I heard you been sucking communist California cock though...

Lol good luck with that... Image boards are in the decline though however


Yeah, I know is old Internet thing
I see it as more of a way to view the past, that’s why BO needs to make KC more original

Most of You guys in this thread and on this image board need some mental help though... Like for real... Get Some Help.

You sure are fucked indeed dude. So far down the rabbit hole you'll never see sunshine again. Lol

Welp, that's one thing I can Agree with you on.

Word of advice to all on this thread and image board,Go outside and Touch some grass.

I was going to write a long response to you, but I decided that would’ve been cringe so this.
I’m not a furry
It a joke
>It don't seem to be doing you much good though, the religion you believe in whatever it is.
I’m the lower level in my religion.
It would be funnier if you can’t look things up
Sure man, at least I’m self-aware

This thread is looking like a reddit thread

Sounds like this whole thread is just to bait people just as yourself. Guess you forgot to not feed the trolls. Seems like you got played American

Yeah, I know it’s bait . That’s why I didn’t respond.
But now that I am, I’m falling for it
>” and it’s working” -oversimplified

>Internet tier stuff.

You make a rather vague sacrifice, great. It's about time to put this thread to rest anyway because you Americans are very boring.

Now that’s something even I can agree with

You make a nice landfill. Dump waste right in that noggin of yours. Bon appetit you frickin American mutt

Yes but

Nope, only in your dreams..... Anyways enjoy eating ze bugs

At the end of the dusk, no one cares... Only what's in your wallet is all.

The attention, that’s exactly what I want You’re still responding to the post.
>I know im failing but at least I can still use words

> eating ze bugs
Didn’t you tell that to the pedo

Really you don’t care, that makes me feel a little bit better

>Urine tier thread and imageboard

Bon appetit dude, enjoy the cow pipes and wash it down with some urine

Well shit, you can fuck with me but you can’t mess with KC.
If I’m bringing down the image board for you, then I can leave. I was just waiting for you to give actual criticism.
>Would that make your experience better?

>It's the internet dude, where you been in the last few years?

I started my Internet journey on KC, i’ve only been using it for a few months

Place is generally like every imageboard but on 4chan we eat little minnows like you for breakfast with our french snail brunch

I can leave man, I will still show up to delete CP but I will only lurk and never speak

Then log off and touch grass novice

Whatever, I was just messing with you anyway but you do you

If your not a furry and all that you say your not then stop acting cringe then and uploading furry looking shiz

Oh ok man, no hard feelings ?

Welp Good game, time to go Roast a pheasant

Oh ok good something to look forward to; I’ll try


Yup, no hard feelings. Twas kinda fun actually.

Bye American

My my, this thread spreading like cancer

Someone needs to be road kill, that's probably how frenchy got there "Pheasant"

I'm sure plenty of reddit goblins will eat that shit right up.

Aw snap error happened when trying to load your "the bioball won Bernds,I am sick" thread.

Already read all that about a week ago anyway and that shit is straight up mental cancer

How's traffic texan?

No I just had an argument with the French guy.
>Don’t ruin this

What the fuck is this?!?!

Urugayos crazy ex gf on here, lol

O, jajajaajjajajja

Quick question why did you delete?

Yeah, that pic was from Halloween 2023

Because the other mods would delete it anyway

She posted that on here in October 31st 2023 lol, kkk costume

But I’m not the other mods am I.
> Should’ve saved it , was funny

Now you know what she looks like kinda now, so when they're talking about her you'll have a face kinda to go with the name.

You or some texan is a mod but whatever, just saving y'all the trouble

Since when does countryballers hate racism

I like racism when done properly. That’s why I like Countryballs
>ps when I was trying to type this the autoCorrect with trying to get me to say “I like racism when done properly. BUT That’s”

Oh yeah it suck sometimes man

Our fandom is “testicles with a flag on them”, I think anyone who goes on KC is a little insane.

Mine goodness I don’t remember posting those anywhere else but my first thread!
>where did you get those?

Yeah,the bio ball won. The plague got to ya lil bro. Rip plague victim

I’m going to turn Heinrich into the cheshire cat

De unión over Jesus any day!!!

Fun fact about the moon, you can’t send it on discord, the data is too big unless you upgrade the premium.
Fun fact I made the moon for the Solar eclipse I was at singularity and the timing was right so when everybody was looking up I took this screenshot. I later went in and animated it.

I somewhat Believe in all religions if they can prove it or have some evidence. Like The Bible isn’t completely fake there’s tons of things that are real. But you can’t take Things literally and some this are just fails. For example
>There is a lot of proof that the Israelites left Egypt the proof is the Country of Israel
<Adam and Eve ate of a tree, probably didn’t happen

No more cussing, or im going to have to put you in time out

Lol,hemibrain. Says the brainrotter

I’m good

They're right, I Don't see you here often

Agreed in fact don’t drink it’s not good for you

And That’s how I met Americanball that’s why I think Franceball is cool

>The human mind weak
Its a good thing where all balls

>Fortnight kiddo
Ok but I do not Watch five Little Chuddies for enjoyment this was a shit post!!

Just saying, I leave up anything that should be up or in character for me.
I think it’s safe to delete what’s good for you

I’ll take it

It was the same as the bioball thread but a different person, no Dick pic, and no friends just silent acquaintances

Luke,(Trumps) i am your father

Regardless of what Bernds think. Trumps gonna be US president again.

The annoying orange strikes again!!

Gib me money it says


Listen up sweet cheeks it says,it's time to clap my fellow countrymen over it says.



It's happening as we speak. 🫠

Ayo please

>Hump hump hump hump hump, gotta milk merica folk dry ayo

Look at all them tax dollars cummin in


The funniest part about this song is how perfectly it describes the conversation

More ahh~


Yes~ ahhh~


Ohhh~ ahh~ fuck ahhh~♡ it feels so good, all that cum in me ahh~

That's good texas,keep up that.....oil supply

You think this was what Franceball was talking about

Welp,this is just Countryball...stuff

The United States of America loves its oil

Can I see your Countryballs again I sleep with them in bed

~Black gold~Texas tea~oil~

I’m going to bust like spindletop ahh~

I laughed way too hard at the image when it loaded.

All right, I’ll be back later if I go to sleep sorry don’t delete this, where in this together

I feel with that it’s a good time to eep 3:30am
>sleepy joe has to sleep
Feel bad for the other guys that we moved the bioball conversation here but I’m sure they don’t mind
>night night Trump

Night Night joe,Ps it's alright. 98 percent of the thread was just you and me anyway lol.



Regardless of what Bernds think. Trumps gonna be US president again.


Yup,starting today


Obviously. US Means United States. Chill kraut

Ironically enough he is de facto his president.

Come on man what happened to the human ability to care for others.
>L pity party


Welp, we're down shits creek now.





So glad you came early at like 8:00 I got work tomorrow.

And you’re telling me you like this guy

Yeah, I'm just spamming this thread, fck politics. Anyway yeah I got work tomorrow as well . Probably going to take a break for a while to from this but anyway GG.

#Mctrumper bloated on McDonald's

Yeah, I have work tomorrow to, when are you going to come back?

Trump es fascist Es caca es mierda

Idk, maybe a week, a month. Idk. Good luck on here bro

Good luck out there man, if you need someone to talk to you know where to find me

Pov #It's 3am and your cats hungry.


Ex president Joe Biden is going to be one of the forgotten sooner then later.

I’m going to miss you man, if you ever come back post something on the bioball thread. See you later

(Hugs), 🍺 I'm gonna miss you too man, ✌️see you later. Your one of the few good people on here honestly. Anyway peace out

My my, someone sure is cranky... What's wrong Hanz? Did someone piss in your breakfast this morning?

Nah bro, they're just mad they passed no nut November. And there gf left them for some wealthy guy with a bankroll of mark ... I mean euros.

Lol, yeah, there gf only in there dreams. They're a frickin crackhead.

#religion #science


Press x to doubt


Womp womp



Out of all the threads to test in you choose this one



Heinrich? Pepe? Or the video


Good it’s fun to talk to lower life forms
>it’s bait and it’s working

Say that again

is being sigma good or bad?

Σ a Greek letter

i know i mean i thought it has something to do with a type of male, alpha beta gamma you know?

Should we tell him? Or should we chemiball him?
Look up alpha beta gamma particles

Fuck all of you Americans. Time to make another 9/11.

Fuck all of you Americans

Say hello to a dystopia

Yes but your teeth 🦷

Ladies ☕️

Your gonna die screaming you Americans when 9/11 2.0 happens


Be silent sleepy old schizo Joe biden

