2024-04-02 19:01:15 ⋅ 7mn
No. 304373
humanity is fucking rotten, behind the facade of technologies we are still fucking apes with lack of brain activity, but we all tend to think we're the smartest ones
better be a silly monke rather a victim of consumerism machine
2024-04-02 19:29:55 ⋅ 7mn
No. 304376
If we'd still be apes we would had gone extinct long before the consumerism machine started spinning. If humanity is rotten then that's only because this rot is our only path to survival.
2024-04-02 19:36:27 ⋅ 7mn
No. 304377
it was more like a metaphor, dont you hate when people nowadays look and act like mediveal but in modern clothes?
>path to survival
creative mod - born rich
2024-04-02 20:17:53 ⋅ 7mn
No. 304378
vitun vammanen elä postaa tällästä :DDDDDDDDFDDDFFF
2024-04-02 20:23:39 ⋅ 7mn
No. 304380
> dont you hate when people nowadays look and act like mediveal but in modern clothes?
Some people do, some don't. And usually they act medieval when they cannot afford acting better so it is their survival, too.
> creative mod - born rich
Well, yeah. Side effect of the path humanity had to choose to survive.
2024-04-02 21:36:20 ⋅ 7mn
No. 304384
>behind the facade of technologies we are still fucking apes
Yup. Have you seen picrel?
It is called Healy and can cure all of your diseases using a 'quantum sensor'.
A German multi million dollar company is selling it worldwide for up to 4K€
2024-04-02 22:21:52 ⋅ 7mn
No. 304385
LOL what people have learned is to fuck up for money nicely
2024-04-02 22:28:31 ⋅ 7mn
No. 304386
in a battle for survival there is nowhere without casualties like common sense,and this is sad :(