Why is this happening, fix this

what are you clicking which message which button?

The “remove” button after I banned the person I was trying to remove the message but it was pulling up the “[object response]” protocol.

maybe you cliked remove twice? this hapepns when message is already removed.

Possibly, is there any way to remove this bug?
>I refreshed and it worked
but it took my time form 7minutes to 11minutes to 16minutes to remove all the CP. it’s adding time to refresh so can you please fix.

Granny fucking is the worst. Young teens are alright.

>“new porn with teenagers 6-14 years old, films in HD quality.
>many different sex studios: men with teenagers and women with teenagers.
>preview files:”
Not the kind that you would like.

Is this guy still on?

time to refresh? what do you mean?

When you first log on you have to wait a little bit before you can jump back in. That’s a problem with me and my internet but it takes that small more to make a difference when trying to remove CP as fast as possible.
Well, we’re on the subject of removing CP.
>What is the protocol for Banning unknown links?
I got scared pretty badly when I copied paste a link (might go more detail in future thread) not knowing what it was. The simple answer would be not to do that, but how should we detect CP links that are not the normal bot format/ not posted by a bot?
>I have a theory, that if we encode to where it gives a Preview of a website whenever linked. Like YouTube videos
Google can see your private browser history (Lucky I went on it) so police can still trace that as me what
>should I had done in this scenario?

The cops are going to need more than that to come an arrest you for something, however if you wasn't on a watch list, you probably are now.

Well Skibidi

I had to remind myself who it was all for.
COUNTRYBALLS, no other fandom is worth scaring myself. It’s for the kids that like Countryballs, going to throw on some countryhuman porn for good measure.
>however if you wasn't on a watch list, you probably are now.
Was this before or after I asked AI for TATP

Holy fug

What the Fug is going on?

He ufff, it was just a sign up message.
Will probably give to friend that likes military.
