Snows more on krautchan than in Texas

Is it normal for texas?

No it’s snows more during February

No snow here either

Do you live in southern Finland? Or is this a shit post I can’t tell.

i live in HEL
and there unironically and assburger-literally isn't any snow here
it all melted away on the 22nd

So u live in Hel, dose it rain in hel? because in sick and tired of it raining British ahh tire weather

It rains all the time in HEL

Today it rained and stormed
<that picture was taken yesterday morning (ToT)

Feels just like early March today

Will never see the light of day
>L fix but, Texoma lake area fug dis

I take it all back


It’s Texas what did you expect?

Another rainy day in Hel

Fug hel

It's winter, what you expect


>he lives in north texas
>expecting snow in december
Fam how long have you lived in Texas? You know north is the only part is snows in with regularity.
t. central texas

And by regularity I mean maybe in January or February once or twice.

Guten abend. Is there any threads on german language?




no snow here in Shanghai:(

Aww that’s a shame, I had to wait a a bit for it to snow again here.
>Who know it might some one day