2024-10-05 11:52:00 ⋅ 1mn
No. 321924
Putin just stopped the census in Russia. The Russian war casualties must be catastrophic. But I guess now we'll never find out.
1) It's shocking to me how many people this monster is slaughtering. I have no sympathy for the ziggers who voluntarily go to war to kill Ukrainians and bring misery to Europe, but I have sympathy for the ordinary people that are thrown into the meatgrinder. Truly horrific.
2) It amazes me that the Russian leadership is putting itself into the dark so often. Apparently Russia has a culture of vranyo, were you lie and bullshit all the way up the command chain anyway. So it is difficult for leadership to tell how good troops are, how succesful their operations are, how much equipment is produced etc etc etc. But now they're even throwing away the tools they have to get a better grasp of the facts on the ground. I cannot understand this mindset.
2024-10-05 12:51:55 ⋅ 1mn
No. 321934
Putin is too deep into it to care how many people he lost. He would continue regardless. Publishing this number would just be negative for propaganda purposes without changing anything in his strategy.
It is time for Bernd to get a russian grey mouse gf.
2024-10-05 13:12:21 ⋅ 1mn
No. 321938
shouldn't it be in /war/? anyway, grabbing the popcorn for this thread
2024-10-05 13:16:16 ⋅ 1mn
No. 321940
Fake news
Census in Russia happens every 10 years or so
the last one was in 2021, before that it was in 2010
so why would we have a census before 2030 at the earliest? Its so retarded that Westerners eat garbage fake news so eagerly when all it takes is to check wikipedia page
meanwhile the last census in Ukraine 2001
2024-10-05 13:22:31 ⋅ 1mn
No. 321941
well, it was the first and only census lol
было бы очень, кстати, провести перепись населения после военных действий, чисто чтобы из любопытства глянуть сколько людей осталось а стране
2024-10-05 13:29:19 ⋅ 1mn
No. 321942
>a culture of vranyo
i actually love this shit. Westerners think that if they just put one Russian word in their propaganda, they suddenly become so sophisticated, so elevated to the level of sublime expertise in the subject
Examples is when i watched videos of think tank meetings, they would lay out how Russia is evil and cruel and conniving and then say "In Russia its called the concept of MASKIROVKA" and they would pretend that its some important and unique word describing very specific phenomenon that only exists in Russian thinking and strategy ...when in reality its all bullshit and it just means literally "disguise". But just saying this word in Russian with the eerie emphasis during the meeting of these fake experts gives them this aura of complexity, as if they have just pierced the magic veil and have became exalted scholars on this issue.
Basically its just a self-jerk and circle-jerk because they put this one word in Russian into their pseudo-scientific propaganda concept papers. Many ex-Russians and ex-Ukrainians come to the west and write this bullshit for grants. Now they have given universities billions for studies of Ukrainian culture and people, lol. And all they produce is just this slop of fake expertise so that the Westerners could feel themselves sophisticated and elevated in the praxis of regirgitating it.
2024-10-05 13:32:00 ⋅ 1mn
No. 321943
если честно я и 2021 перепись не видел. Вот в 2010 я помню ко мне в квартиру пришли люди в этих синих фартуках, я ещё пиздюком был тогда, за меня родители заполнили бумагу.
в 2021 никто ко мне не пришел. А ты видел переписчиков в 2021 ?
2024-10-05 14:04:10 ⋅ 1mn
No. 321948
ah, its that german flag who writes insane shit and ignores everyone's answers
so its like a propaganda bot that doesn't engage
no reason to engage with it too
2024-10-05 14:14:03 ⋅ 1mn
No. 321949
Did we get a new vatnigger puzian poster or something? Or two of them? Who's this ^ guy?
Anyhow, fuck off and stay on kohl.
2024-10-05 14:56:56 ⋅ 1mn
No. 321953
I just want it to end, I don't want war in Europe.
2024-10-05 15:22:22 ⋅ 1mn
No. 321959
oh, pathetic niggers just want circle jerk
you get tired without anyone opposing it. If you are surrounded by people who agree with you, you just shit a little turdie, like small tiny shit roll and then you can't expand behind that and your shitty threads die
i am really not going to engage with your shit and i am going to bump MINE threads. Strong threads that i can expand and support for decades. Because i have formidable and strong spirit, while you all are just fake
2024-10-05 15:38:37 ⋅ 1mn
No. 321964
я вообще не помню, чтобы кто-то приходил на хату и просил заполнить бумажку... может это потому, что жили в частном секторе, хз ┐(‘~`;)┌
2024-10-05 16:48:39 ⋅ 1mn
No. 321979
насколько социально значимы треды дохлой имиджборды с онлайном 30 человек максимум?
2024-10-05 16:59:23 ⋅ 1mn
No. 321981
>He looked very stressed, depressed and he is losing is hair.
That's just normal Slav things.
2024-10-05 17:00:24 ⋅ 1mn
No. 321982
2024-10-05 17:03:54 ⋅ 1mn
No. 321983
as always, smart elderly men draw a number
fuck man why everyone suddenly realized they're war experts and shat in /int/ with war threads, kills the mood and brings hatred only
2024-10-05 17:05:48 ⋅ 1mn
No. 321984
>My uni also assigned me to take care of a woman from Russia this semester who studies romanistic.
How will you 'take care' of her?
2024-10-05 17:59:06 ⋅ 1mn
No. 321989
Surely that's enough for a special assignment poccner netyx to obsess over.
2024-10-05 18:10:50 ⋅ 1mn
No. 321992
What the German did not know is that poccner settis was not the main reason that guy was losing his hair. It was masturbation that is known to cause hairloss.
2024-10-05 19:38:47 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322011
Censuses in Russia are done every 10 years (the same as here in Britain) so there wouldn't be one this year, but even if there was, censuses aren't usually done during wartime. That's my assumption about Russian censuses at least, because here we didn't do a census in 1941 because of the war, so I'd imagine if the Russians were going to do one this year, they'd probably postpone it.
2024-10-05 20:16:37 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322018
мне твои военные треды триста лет как не нужны, да и кто б сейчас говорил, когда с такого же российского адреса строчишь, но при этом "предателем" и "крысой" не считаешься, или "вы не понимаете, это другое?"
какой-то из тебя липовый анти-военник, если украинцев травишь, которые даже не разделяют пропутинский режим
2024-10-05 21:44:04 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322036
speak english
2024-10-05 21:48:36 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322040
>ah, its that german flag who writes insane shit and ignores everyone's answers
I'm sorry I had to go to work
2024-10-05 23:40:02 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322048
а фиг тебе, я не стану тебя слушать, после твоих издевательств я не хочу делать то, что тебе вздумается
2024-10-05 23:58:35 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322053
Also: I don't speak Russian, so don't get mad about me "ignoring answers".
2024-10-06 00:07:16 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322056
don't mind him, he lives too good so only problem he has is when people have different opinions
2024-10-06 00:11:38 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322057
So he is mad that I don't like the Putin regime is killing Russians and Ukrainians?
2024-10-06 00:33:34 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322069
i don't know what in their mind sometimes, it's an enigma
2024-10-06 06:52:15 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322116
russian nationwide schizophrenia illustrated. Defend the regime in rusisan so others don't undertand you, pretend you didn't and create a false narrative to lie to foreigners on the go once called out. And they would do that on an imegbord visited by 3 people. Really makes u think. . . . . .
2024-10-06 08:10:36 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322118
Unfortunately even if war criminal Putin would die off, does not mean that things would automatically become better; he can be replaced with an even worse scumbag.
The only solution is to annex Russia and divide it into smaller regions.
2024-10-06 08:41:59 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322120
>defend the regime
чем, блять, я защищаю режим, чучело? ты хоть примеры приведи, а то пиздеть и я умею
тем, что на москальском разговариваю? ну так это разговор лично с тобой - ты же вместо того, чтобы ответить нормально, после многомесячного газйлайта и дезинформации сидишь и пиздишь на всю округу, как на самом деле ==тебя== здесь, бедного, травят
как показывает опыт венгра на
>>321982, переводчиком иностранцы умеют пользоваться, если нужно, а ты сидишь и пользуешься моментом, что никто нихуя не понимает язык, а соответственно можно дезинформировать общественность
зажиточным из полных семей вот настолько нехуй делать, что единственная проблема в их жизни - кто и куда, сука, переехал...
2024-10-06 09:02:48 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322122
Why do poccners always lose their shit when people talk about their dictator?
2024-10-06 10:02:47 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322127
Also bad eyesight.
Now where's my glasses?
>as always, smart elderly men draw a number
I guess. I'm not sure about the implications.
I don't know. Is this question is for everyone or directed to me? Or rhetorical?
Classic cyrillic shitctorm thread. Very Krautchan experiense.
2024-10-06 10:18:35 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322129
if you dared to translate the shit you'd understand it's not about putin at all, it's about spreading misinformation and gaslight based on made up and not confirmed accusations, but better be to believe someone who speaks your language and consume, rather fact-check, right?
2024-10-06 10:20:03 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322130
to everyone, honestly
>classic cyrilic shitctorm thread
en tu, brute?
2024-10-06 10:49:49 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322131
I didn't even read not to bother supporting the pigdog false narrative by giving it the highest honour of being discussed by me, if she chooses to speak Russian to hide certain details you should already be bothered. Remember what I said abouit the mail-order brides and stay alert.
2024-10-06 10:53:50 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322133
Listen here, this is the list time I am talking directly to you. What were the proactive measures you took to alert your legitimate government that your are being compromised by the occupiers? This is the ultimate question that defies your future destiny.
2024-10-06 10:59:53 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322134
>It was masturbation that is known to cause hairloss.
if that was true i would have been bald 10 years ago
2024-10-06 11:01:41 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322135
You are mpb'ing faster than you should. Think .Think.
2024-10-06 11:29:44 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322136
>get sexual assaulted at father's house at age 8 and domestically abused for three years
>being taken out by mother
>mother brings you to crimea because of polish stepfather living here
>because of being brought to another country this early forget your mother language
>stepfather kicks you out ("you either bring her back to father or i kick you both out") and you have to move from place to place, having troubles with food, home, money and passport
>live like this for eight years
>mother brings you to russia for "more opportunities"
>move from place to place, having troubles with food, home, money and passport
>work two jobs, live in hostel
>carefree idiot with full family accuses you as putinist and other use him as trustful source
2024-10-06 11:45:58 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322137
what could schoolgirl possibly do to stop the russian occupation on crimea and not get jailed? i can barely take care of myself, so if i possibly could, i would donate to vsu if i had an extra ten bucks
i just want to live my little life in survive in this world, and you make it tougher with your accusations of being me a zetnik, you know how government here presses you to shut up and obey, you know these awful posters inviting you to be a war meat, the actions this government takes and rkn to make you obey even more
the reason is it's because i poorly remember the mother tongue due the life evens, я можу щось тобі казати, але це буде тяжко, тому що я не пам'ятаю як правильно писати
це не тому що я якась путинистка, але тому що мені тяжко, якийсь інші питання?
2024-10-06 12:01:54 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322138
thats worrying
t. worry-bear
2024-10-06 12:06:36 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322139
could be worse, and i bet someone wants it to be worse
2024-10-06 12:16:18 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322141
One of the reasons I'm learning Russian is that I can tell when they are lying to you. A friend of my father learned Russian in the Bundeswehr to listen to Warsaw pact radio communication.
2024-10-06 12:23:08 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322142
i bet you will be called a putinist for this one
2024-10-06 13:03:10 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322144
All right.
I think the core of the news has nothing to do with the war, but the article puts in the way that it is. So on one hand it has a place on /int/ on the other, it would fit better on /war/. Tho talking about wars (the SMO too) on /int/ shouldn't be a problem, wars are core parts of international relations (hostile relations are relations). I understand that some might not want to see it mentioned everywhere, and if there is a /war/ board, then why not use that. Especially since the whole site is a large /int/.
>en tu, brute?
No. I wrote the "shitctorm" and "experiense" with Runglish (I noticed it's a common spelling mistake for Cyrillic users) on purpose, for the fun of it.
2024-10-06 13:05:15 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322145
You are a Putinist.
>A friend of my father learned Russian in the Bundeswehr to listen to Warsaw pact radio communication.
In the communism it was mandatory here to learn Russian. Noone could speak a word. Apparently enemies were more enthusiastic to learn the language than "allies".
2024-10-06 13:25:33 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322146
*with stereotypical eastern european accent* anderstendable, hev e naice dey
>I understand that some might not want to see it mentioned everywhere, and if there is a /war/ board, then why not use that. Especially since the whole site is a large /int/.
this! these two days of war-related threads were the most nerve wracking days of chatting on kc, it's like going through the actual war
i suggest touching the grass collectively after this
2024-10-06 17:00:51 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322165
I is so sorry for what happened to you as a man who has been rapped I can connect to your post yet I is of understanding that I is of never knowing what your life is like. How our past shape who we are as a person and our life today.
People go on kc to feel better about life. People come to kc feeling down and leave a better than what they were on before. Talking about your past is not weakness, it is strength.
2024-10-06 17:21:08 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322167
holy fuck dude im so sorry that happened, you shouldn't have been never experience shit like this :'((
hope you're doing way better now, though i get what mark it can leave on you and your like, sending hugs (if comfortable with!) !
>People go on kc to feel better about life. People come to kc feeling down and leave a better than what they were on before. Talking about your past is not weakness, it is strength.
golden words people should remember, thus i wish you never ever ever experience something like this again, stay safe and have a wonderful week!
2024-10-06 18:17:38 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322173
its gon be ok sorrry
2024-10-06 18:27:06 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322175
sending hugs dude, dw about it
2024-10-06 20:09:35 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322199
> if she chooses to speak Russian to hide certain details you should already be bothered. Remember what I said abouit the mail-order brides and stay alert.
What did you say? Or where was it said?
2024-10-07 07:15:15 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322226
Yuropoor cope at its finest.
2024-10-07 10:19:35 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322236
at least you admit that russia is not europe
2024-10-07 11:00:38 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322239
2024-10-07 11:16:15 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322240
This is a type of thread I've never wanted to see on this board.
I knew glowies would catch up with us. In a year or so this boars will be full of pol crap just like kohl. Mark my words.
2024-10-07 11:41:18 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322243
Instead of bumping this thread, why don't you post things you want to see here?
2024-10-07 12:08:46 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322244
2024-10-07 12:19:11 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322245
I do post here, even if I didn't, my point would still be valid.
2024-10-07 12:47:57 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322247
2024-10-07 13:17:08 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322248
I have no interest in having sex with you, thank you.
2024-10-07 13:17:56 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322249
>I could say the same to you.
I made this thread, so naturally I have no issue bumping it. It's the people who complain about it but continue to post in it that I don't understand.
2024-10-07 14:38:48 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322252
Threads like these are part and parcel of living in a kaycee
2024-10-07 16:18:47 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322266
you're welcome but i meant sex in general
2024-10-07 22:10:54 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322315
I don't want to have sex with generals, either. Usually they're old men.
2024-10-08 05:38:55 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322364
thank you for your service)))))))))))
2024-10-08 06:38:55 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322366
me on the left
2024-10-08 09:53:40 ⋅ 1mn
No. 322370
2024-10-08 10:55:16 ⋅ 4w
No. 322373
me on the top
2024-10-08 12:14:22 ⋅ 4w
No. 322382
Russian women are the real winners. They get money for their dead Russky husbands and quickly find a new one.
2024-10-08 15:00:57 ⋅ 4w
No. 322408
I honestly think that the Afrorussia is the best outcome of it all.
Basically, after this war obliterates puzia, there are only two ways it can go if it does not balkanize: it can become a Sino-Russia or Afro-Russia.
Afro-Russia is fun and unthreatening. Sino-Russia will never be a real threat to anyone too, but it's still the worst outcome for those who live here, with Russian quality of life combined with Chinese quality of thought police and surveilance.
2024-10-08 15:43:15 ⋅ 4w
No. 322418
What aboit becoming a german colony?
2024-10-08 16:05:20 ⋅ 4w
No. 322420
Why not be normal and become a European democracy?
Balts and Poles will be eternally butthurt, but there are plenty of Germans, French, etc. who are willing to accept Russia back into the fold
2024-10-08 16:25:03 ⋅ 4w
No. 322422
That doesn't serve the goals of the US. Russia finding the rest of Europe means an independent Europe, and a stronger competitor for the US than Russia and China. This is why we are where we are at now.
2024-10-08 16:38:01 ⋅ 4w
No. 322425
Last time Pussia was strong it gave you the Mexico treatment and took half of your territory (and erasing Prussia forever). Russia deserves the worst treatment and should be destroyed like Paraguay during the Triple Alliance war. Russians should then be shamed forever for being fascists mongoloids and ban all nationalistic symbols, just like the Swastiska in Europe. Then we must prohibit them from having a large army ever again and return Königsberg back to Germany and expell or gulag all Russian invaders.
2024-10-08 16:43:30 ⋅ 4w
No. 322426
Russia essentially IS a German colony, with a large chunk of current illegal invasion being made possible with support of German industrial complex.
>Why not be normal and become a European democracy?
We don't have the human material for this. Russia is utterly brain-drained as of now, and the measures taken by the Soviet government to civilize these people were largely undermined and reversed. It is also too "old" demographically to have a chance of civilizational leap like the one achieved in the 20th century. Therefore, Russia is to be swallowed by someone, and the options are limited to Africans, Chinks and Muslims. Turning Russia into a new homeland for the somewhat capable African human surplus seems to be the best option on the list.
Europe is long past the point where it would "come" somewhere to actively civilize another nation.
2024-10-08 16:50:11 ⋅ 4w
No. 322427
Are you fucking nuts, Vladimir? Has watching too much BBC porn rot your brain beyond recovery?
2024-10-08 17:06:04 ⋅ 4w
No. 322428
Should I bother explaining the core differences between agrarian and industrial civilizations and how taking a turn to primitivism can resolve the eternal Russian police state problem, or should I simply dismiss your post given the monkeyland ball alone? I choose the latter.
2024-10-08 17:07:48 ⋅ 4w
No. 322429
Balkanization would be great.
I'd buy a small piece of land and play civilization IRL, starting and managing my own countrylet somewhere nice :3
2024-10-08 17:23:07 ⋅ 4w
No. 322431
We prolly should delete it soon, cause itsa anti putin and its verbotten in russia
2024-10-08 17:25:23 ⋅ 4w
No. 322432
when will you sell me url?
2024-10-08 17:49:09 ⋅ 4w
No. 322434
Balkanization is not a realistic option, wect won't let it happen. Some regions will possibly leave and the world will let them go as a punishment for poccner, unlike last time when America helped Russia create grey zones in Moldova and Georgia and force Chechnya to stay. But generally, the same problem remains: the world does not know what to do with the hypothetic new states, so it will probably never happen. Putin's Russia is very stable (as in "unable to show something new") and predictable and no one is interested in losing that, not even Ukraine.
2024-10-08 18:21:54 ⋅ 4w
No. 322435
2024-10-08 18:42:25 ⋅ 4w
No. 322437
Also how do people imagine this for a nuclear country. If every post-balkanized state will have its own nukes it'll end up in the black market on the next day, and if Moscow gets to keep all of them instead it'll just be the same story as with post-soviet Russia.
2024-10-08 19:34:28 ⋅ 4w
No. 322438
> soviet union bad
npc tier
America did all it could to save the Soviet Union and it was the right thing to do, but the attempt was mismanaged and lead to yeltsinism, the parent system of putinism.
"We don't know what to do with the nukes, let's give them to Russia, they are now our allies!". Same thing with the UN seat.
Mismanagement, mismanagement, mismanagement.
This is why we have so many stresi worries nowadays.
Nobody manages better nowadays.
2024-10-08 21:26:45 ⋅ 4w
No. 322444
>but the attempt was mismanaged and lead to yeltsinism, the parent system of putinism.
Mismanaged or actively rejected by the post-soviet elite? And was that elite post-soviet in so far as it rejected the ussr or was it post-soviet in the sense that this elite had merely outgrown the external forms of the soviet government itself?
The putin govt is mostly soviet afterbirth anyway, no?
2024-10-09 08:05:19 ⋅ 4w
No. 322474
>npc tier
>i'm contrarian therefore i'm right
Vanya, please.
2024-10-09 16:32:57 ⋅ 4w
No. 322483
ill try to deal with it on weekend.
2024-10-09 17:55:50 ⋅ 4w
No. 322501
So this is just another Russian shill board, isn't it?
2024-10-09 18:13:28 ⋅ 4w
No. 322506
2024-10-09 19:23:31 ⋅ 4w
No. 322519
>Turning Russia into a new homeland for the somewhat capable African human surplus seems to be the best option on the list.
You don't actually believe that, it's some punishment you concieve of in a sadkov style way for those who have scorned you.
>Europe is long past the point where it would "come" somewhere to actively civilize another nation
Which would make it the better option, on account of Europe being unable to swallow up Russia entirely.
2024-10-09 19:25:46 ⋅ 4w
No. 322520
>You don't actually believe that, it's some punishment you concieve of in a sadkov style way for those who have scorned you.
Not true, hence the "capable" part. The ones who come here mostly enter through student programmes, the refugee gibs that produce parasites are reserved for palestinians and few other not-so-numerous groups and are barely used, since Europe has better offers.
2024-10-09 20:27:52 ⋅ 4w
No. 322534
They aren't very capable people, nor will they be civilised by exposure to a society that you consider barbaric.
We have the same sorts here. They are obsequious to their superiors, jealous of their peers and contemptuous of subordinates, like any savage.
Russia belongs with Europe, always has. The mutual benefit is so much more than with some thumbsucking bantus or chinese or whatever. Only thing in the way is an incompetent government of senile old men
2024-10-10 06:54:50 ⋅ 4w
No. 322606
Of course.
2024-10-10 10:10:48 ⋅ 4w
No. 322619
soon enought turk BO will be the only russian poster on the board given the new wave of blockenings on the poccner :DDDDD
2024-10-10 10:45:52 ⋅ 3w
No. 322623
but servers are in russia this is why we have to obey laws.
us/de based servers got cockblocked by aws because they wanted me to make a total premoderation which is nonsense.
2024-10-10 11:01:21 ⋅ 3w
No. 322625
just get servers in romania or something
2024-10-10 13:42:29 ⋅ 3w
No. 322641
>lithuania to demount bridges and set up tank blocks out of fear of invasion
You have to understand Russia's security concerns. If Putin invades, you have to acknowledge reality and push for a freeze on the conflict, because we all just want peace! Or are you a warmonger?!
2024-10-10 16:15:35 ⋅ 3w
No. 322651
Russia doesn't want to invade anyone guys! For real, I heard about it on RT.
2024-10-10 16:34:46 ⋅ 3w
No. 322656
I'd love to see puzia attempting another invasion, and of a HATO state of all options lmoe
2024-10-10 16:56:44 ⋅ 3w
No. 322663
HATO wouldn't go to war for Poland or the Balldick states. Everything east of Germany is only in NATO to show that they're on our side and not Russia's. They're not equals.
2024-10-10 17:34:41 ⋅ 3w
No. 322669
Since 2,5 years I'm praying they try.
2024-10-10 18:09:11 ⋅ 3w
No. 322676
same shit
2024-10-10 21:37:10 ⋅ 3w
No. 322704
>russian embassy on seeden
M80 you think they get told anything about upcoming wars? I doubt they were even important enough to be told to lie.
2024-10-11 13:37:49 ⋅ 3w
No. 322761
If NATO weren't go to war for a member state (any member state) when it's attacked that would collapse the alliance.
If Russia attacked a Baltic state and NATO wouldn't respond that would be a major victory for Russia and would mean Russia can do anything to any of the member states. NATO members would leave en masse, and start negotiate with Russia. USA would never allow this.
2024-10-11 15:15:15 ⋅ 3w
No. 322768
> 2014+10
> imblyign puzia is an independent actor with its own interests in this
2024-10-11 15:48:29 ⋅ 3w
No. 322769
85 years later and spirit of cowardice is still alive in UK, who would've thunk
2024-10-11 16:19:55 ⋅ 3w
No. 322772
Meanwhile, Germany has not conducted a single national census since unification.
2024-10-11 16:23:22 ⋅ 3w
No. 322773
Which is factually wrong, census was literally conducted last year or so
2024-10-11 16:25:05 ⋅ 3w
No. 322775
2024-10-11 16:59:24 ⋅ 3w
No. 322781
>Die letzte klassische Volkszählung fand in Deutschland im früheren Bundesgebiet im Jahr 1987 statt. Hierbei handelte es sich – wie beim Zensus – um eine gesetzlich angeordnete Erhebung statistischer Bevölkerungsdaten. Allerdings wurde die Bevölkerung nicht anhand einer Stichprobenziehung erhoben, sondern im Rahmen einer Vollerhebung. Hierbei waren alle Bürgerinnen und Bürger zur Auskunft verpflichtet.
>Beim Zensus 2022 kommt – wie schon beim Zensus 2011 – ein von den Statistischen Ämtern des Bundes und der Länder entwickeltes Verfahren zum Einsatz, das als registergestützter Zensus bezeichnet wird. Das bedeutet, es müssen nicht wie bei einer traditionellen Volkszählung alle Bürgerinnen und Bürger befragt werden, da die meisten Daten bereits in den Registern der Verwaltung vorliegen, etwa im Einwohnermeldeamt.
taking a "random" sample and extrapolating from that is not a real census lol
2024-10-12 07:35:15 ⋅ 3w
No. 322857
What's that have to do with anything.
2024-10-13 21:42:58 ⋅ 3w
No. 323018
>taking a "random" sample and extrapolating from that is not a real census lol
That's not what is written about in the text you quoted, retard.
In Germany every person has to be registered at the Einwohnermeldeamt anyway. The data is already there for everyone living here, so you can do a full census without asking people directly.
2024-10-14 07:19:18 ⋅ 3w
No. 323043
by that logic you dont need census at all because you can just count number of id cards / birth certificates you've supplied to people.
but it doesn't work like that.
2024-10-14 11:10:32 ⋅ 3w
No. 323051
Not everyone in Germany has an ID card or birth certificate. But everyone needs to be registered with an Einwohnermeldeamt.
Of course there are people that aren't. Homeless, illegal immigrants or whatever, but I have sincere doubts you'd be able to count people like this reliably in a census.
2024-10-14 20:28:36 ⋅ 3w
No. 323145
pretty sure that in places like picrel there are 3-4 times as many people as officially registered.
2024-10-15 00:55:37 ⋅ 3w
No. 323179
And if you send them a census letter you will get more accurate info?
2024-10-15 13:01:59 ⋅ 3w
No. 323217
Obviously not.
That place is called Jungbusch and the apartments are full of gypsies and students that share rooms to sleep for as low as 20€ a month.
2024-10-15 14:38:46 ⋅ 3w
No. 323229
I take it we agree on my original point that a traditional census is not really necessary in Germany because the system of Einwohnermeldeämter exists.
2024-10-15 16:58:26 ⋅ 3w
No. 323253
>culture of vranyo
2024-10-15 18:26:16 ⋅ 3w
No. 323267
Oftentimes the most compact way to say truths about russian state/culture/history is in English
2024-10-16 09:03:35 ⋅ 3w
No. 323327
Pathetic self hate.
2024-10-16 09:27:09 ⋅ 3w
No. 323329
The post on the screenshot was probably written by an observative foreigner and explains their behaviour in a lot more compact and understandable manner than the golden classic of Russian self-reflection, "the pidorashka on special assignment" pasta while essentially explaining the same concept.
2024-10-18 22:11:37 ⋅ 2w
No. 323595
I see you've moved from denial to cope already.
Maybe you'll make it to acceptance occasionally.
2024-10-19 14:06:06 ⋅ 2w
No. 323650
2024-10-19 14:08:32 ⋅ 2w
No. 323651
nah, that s a meme
culture of short heda (kc 2013)
culture of X (kc 2017)
and its here (kc2024>
2024-10-19 14:09:16 ⋅ 2w
No. 323652
makes sense
t.noradrenaline pro